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Die Bedeutung einer Geburtsurkunde


Erschließen Sie das Tor zur Zugehörigkeit mit der portugiesischen Staatsbürgerschaft, die globale Mobilität und ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl bietet.


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Rechtliche Verfahren

es ist notwendig für verschiedene andere rechtliche Verfahren, wie Erbschaft und Grundbuchregistrierung.

Aber es ist schwierig, es ohne uns zu bekommen


Sich allein durch den Prozess zu kämpfen, kann zu verwirrenden bürokratischen Irrwegen und potenziellen Fehltritten führen.


Die Verwaltung Ihres Geburtsurkundenprozesses kann Ihre Pläne aufgrund komplexer Verfahren erheblich verzögern.

Risiko von Fehlern

Das alleinige Durchlaufen des Prozesses erhöht die Chance auf Fehler, was möglicherweise zu Rückschlägen oder Ablehnungen führen kann.

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How to get a birth certificate in Portugal?

For example, if you were born in Portugal but are a citizen of another country, and you wish to request nationality or a NIF Portugal you will need to present your birth certificate. So let's explore together where to get your Portuguese birth certificate, how to get it, and finally what reasons might lead you to need it.

What is a birth certificate?

A birth certificate is a document attesting to the birth of a person and is often used in certain administrative procedures requiring proof of a person's identity and existence. On a Portuguese birth certificate, you will find the following information :

  • Page number;
  • Registration number;
  • Type of birth certificate;
  • Book number;
  • Identification number of the national register;
  • Civil status information (name, surname, etc...);

Where to request a birth certificate in Portugal?

Previously, it was only possible to request for a birth certificate by physically traveling to Portugal, and therefore you had to be physically present in Portugal to obtain it. Nowadays, it is possible to request for a Portuguese birth certificate entirely online, using companies that do the application for you. In this way, you will get your birth certificate by email, in PDF format, without even needing to be present in Portugal

How do I request a birth certificate in Portugal?

Applying for a Portuguese birth certificate is very simple, you only need to provide some information about the applicant, and there is no need to attach any documents to the application. To request for a Portuguese birth certificate, you will need:

  • Name of the applicant;
  • Date of birth;
  • Place of birth;
  • Name of the applicant's parents;

With only these few pieces of information, it is possible to request for a Portuguese birth certificate. In order to make this application, it must then be sent to the Portuguese Citizenship Office. Most of the time, the easiest way to do this is to use a service that will take care of your application for a birth certificate entirely online without you having to physically go to the office.

To request for your birth certificate online, simply collect the information mentioned above, and fill out the form of the service used, and you will receive your certificate by email a few days later.

How do I request a Portuguese birth certificate online?

You can request for the certificate directly on the internet, since you only need to provide some information about the applicant. There are services that offer to request for a Portuguese birth certificate on your behalf, simply by filling out a form with the applicant's name, date of birth, place of birth and parents' names. You will then receive your birth certificate by email within a few days (approximately one week).

How to request a duplicate birth certificate?

To request a duplicate of your Portuguese birth certificate, you just need to request online for a birth certificate in Portugal. Then you will receive your certificate by email, in PDF format, and you can then print as many copies as you wish. It is advisable to keep this digital copy in a place that you will remember so that you do not have to request it again in the future. If it is lost, to get an original birth certificate again, you will need to request again.

How do I authenticate a birth certificate ?

To authenticate a birth certificate, you can check, for example, that it contains all the information that should be in a Portuguese birth certificate . However, this verification is not necessarily sufficient to authenticate the certificate, so to be completely sure of its authenticity, you will have to make an application yourself with the information contained in the birth certificate that you want to authenticate.

It is possible to request with a name other than the one requesting the certificate, and this application can be done entirely online.

What does a Portuguese birth certificate contain?

In a Portuguese birth certificate, we find the following information :

  • Registration number of the certificate;
  • Type of certificate;
  • Identification number of the national register;
  • Civil status information (name, surname, etc...);

The purpose of the birth certificate is to officially attest to the birth of an individual in the country. It therefore contains all the information related to his or her civil status, such as his or her name or first name, as well as the identity of his or her parents. To be valid, it must contain at least this kind of information. However, if it is an old certificate, there may not be a registration number, as it is only present on new certificates issued electronically.

What is the Portuguese birth certificate registration number?

The Portuguese birth certificate number is a number assigned at the time of its creation, which is called the registration number. On a Portuguese birth certificate, it is enough to look for the mention "registration number" to find it, it is used to identify the document compared to the other certificates. However, it is not present on older birth certificates, and you may have to request again to get a new birth certificate and therefore have your registration number.

How to find the registration number of the birth certificate in Portugal?

The registration number can be found on new Portuguese birth certificates, especially on those issued electronically. Since it is not present on the old certificates, you have to request for a new birth certificate in order to have this certificate number. It is possible to request for a birth certificate in Portugal entirely online, through professional services offering to do the application for you.

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