Embassy of Portugal's Consular Section in Brasília

The information about the Embassy of Portugal's Consular Section in Brasília comes from the official Portuguese government website

The word from the Portuguese embassy in Brazil

Welcome to the Embassy of Brazil! Our goal is to enhance diplomatic, cultural, and economic interactions between Brazil and the rest of the globe. We provide consular services, travelling advice and arrange cultural activities to encourage diversity and friendship among countries.

What type of Consular Representation is the Embassy of Portugal's Consular Section in Brasília?

Consular Section - A department that handles all consular issues related to Portuguese citizens residing outside Portugal and non-citizens. Usually, it's a department within an Embassy located in the capital city, operating from the same building. Visits are typically allowed only if prearranged through the Embassy's website. For Visa appointments, there is a high chance that they partner with a service provider like VFS, which will carry out the document collection and interview process. Alternatively, they might also employ the E-Visa system, which gathers all the information to create an online form, leading to your physical appointment at the Embassy's Consular Section.

Where is located the Embassy of Portugal's Consular Section in Brasília?

📍 Address : SES - Av. das Nações, Quadra 801, Lote 02, CEP 70402-900, Brasília DF, Brasil

What are the contact of Embassy of Portugal's Consular Section in Brasília?

☎️ Phone :
  • +(55) 61 30329600
  • +(55) 61 99823 4983
✉️ Mail :

External Service Providers for the Embassy of Portugal's Consular Section in Brasília


In various cities, Portugal has approved certified service providers to receive visa applications, ensuring easy access for applicants and faster processing. This approach improves geographical coverage, allowing the service to cater to more applicants effectively.

Portugal has entered into contracts in 25 distinct nations, which equates to a territorial coverage of 89 cities

This consular representation entirely delegates its visa application procedure to VFS Global, so it oversees all operational aspects except the visa review and approval. This system aids in streamlining the process, letting the consulate deal with a large number of applications effectively while keeping control over visa issuance.

The nearest external service providers

As Embassy of Portugal's Consular Section in Brasília works with VFS for the Brazil Visa Applications, here are all the relevant information

📍 Address : Portugal Visa Application centreRua Butantã – number 434 – 5th floor - cj 51

What are the opening hours of the external service provider?







Horário de Submissão

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

Horário de Submissão


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00

Safety Regulation

Por favor, note que o acesso ao Centro de Aplicação de Vistos é exclusivamente reservado para indivíduos que solicitaram um visto. As únicas exceções a esta política são as seguintes:

Menores (menores de 18 anos) devem ser acompanhados por um pai ou responsável. Não pode ser um membro da equipe do centro de aplicação de vistos.

Candidatos mais velhos, deficientes ou com mobilidade reduzida que necessitam de assistência para submeter a sua candidatura. Candidatos que se enquadram nas categorias acima mencionadas devem informar o pessoal de segurança à chegada ao Centro de Aplicação de Vistos.

Telefones móveis são permitidos no centro de aplicação de vistos. No entanto, eles devem ser colocados em modo silencioso ou vibratório. O modo silencioso ou vibratório deve ser ativado antes de entrar no centro de aplicação de vistos. Dispositivos que não têm um modo silencioso ou vibratório não são tolerados no centro de aplicação de vistos.

Tirar fotos, vídeos ou gravações de áudio é proibido em todas as circunstâncias. Os telefones móveis devem ser guardados ao falar com nossa equipe.

Apenas uma mala de cabine (45 cm x 30 cm x 20 cm) por candidato será permitida para ser levada ao Centro de Aplicação de Vistos. Bagagens maiores não serão aceitas no centro de aplicação de vistos e devem ser armazenadas em outro lugar.

Por razões de segurança, os seguintes itens não são permitidos dentro do centro de aplicação de vistos.

Todos os dispositivos eletrônicos ou aqueles que operam com uma bateria, como câmeras, tablets, cassetes de áudio/vídeo, CDs, players de MP3, disquetes, laptops, discos rígidos, drives USB, dispositivos de espionagem, gravadores de áudio, ou qualquer outro dispositivo que possa perturbar o funcionamento adequado do centro.

Envelopes ou pacotes selados.

Qualquer item inflamável, como caixas de fósforos/isqueiros/cigarros eletrônicos/combustíveis.

Qualquer objeto afiado, como tesouras, canivetes ou lixas de unha.

Armas e qualquer dispositivo ou material explosivo de qualquer tipo.

Outros itens podem ser proibidos, a critério exclusivo do pessoal de segurança.

Nota: O centro de aplicação de vistos não é capaz de armazenar itens proibidos. Os candidatos precisarão fazer arranjos para armazenar tais objetos antes de entrar no centro de aplicação de vistos.

Todos os centros de aplicação de vistos estão sob vigilância de vídeo 24/7. As imagens são constantemente gravadas para fins de prevenção e detecção de atividades criminosas e garantia da segurança pública.

Por razões de segurança e segurança, reservamo-nos o direito de revistar aleatoriamente as bolsas de candidatos e visitantes.

Nossa equipe tem o poder de trabalhar sem medo de abuso ou intimidação. Comentários ou comportamentos ameaçadores ou abusivos para com nossa equipe não serão tolerados em nenhuma circunstância.

How much does a service at the external service provider cost?

Este Centro de Aplicação de Vistos tem uma taxa adicional

Taxa de Serviço

280 BRL

Forma de Pagamento


🏢 Accessibility

Todos os centros de aplicação de vistos têm rampas para cadeiras de rodas. Clientes com deficiências ou necessidades de acessibilidade são incentivados a trazer alguém para ajudá-los. Elevadores também estão disponíveis, se necessário. Por favor, note que nossa equipe estará disponível para ajudar todos os clientes com necessidades especiais.

The nearest external service providers

As Embassy of Portugal's Consular Section in Brasília works with VFS for the Brazil Visa Applications, here are all the relevant information

📍 Address : Portugal Visa Application centreRua da Assembleia - number 10 - 35th floor

What are the opening hours of the external service provider?







Submission Time

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

Submission Time


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00

Safety Regulation

Please note that access to the Visa Application Centre is exclusively reserved for individuals who have applied for a visa. The only exceptions to this policy are as follows:

Minors (under 18 years old) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. It cannot be a staff member of the visa application center.

Older, disabled, or mobility-impaired applicants requiring assistance to submit their application. Applicants falling under the aforementioned categories should inform the security personnel upon arrival at the Visa Application Center.

Mobile phones are allowed in the visa application center. However, they must be placed in silent or vibrate mode. Silent or vibrate mode must be activated before entering the visa application center. Devices that do not have a silent or vibrate mode are not tolerated in the visa application center.

Taking photos, videos, or audio recordings is prohibited in all circumstances. Mobile phones must be put away when speaking with our staff.

Only one cabin suitcase (45 cm x 30 cm x 20 cm) per applicant will be allowed to be brought to the Visa Application Centre. Larger luggage will not be accepted at the visa application centre and must be stored elsewhere.

For security reasons, the following items are not allowed inside the visa application center.

All electronic devices or those operating with a battery, such as cameras, tablets, audio/video cassettes, CDs, MP3 players, floppy disks, laptops, hard disk drives, USB drives, spy devices, audio recorders, or any other device that may disrupt the proper functioning of the center.

Sealed envelopes or packages.

Any flammable item, such as matchboxes/lighters/e-cigarettes/fuels.

Any sharp object, such as scissors, pocket knives or nail files.

Weapons and any explosive device or material of any kind.

Other items may be prohibited, at the sole discretion of security personnel.

Note: The visa application center is not able to store prohibited items. Applicants will need to make arrangements to store such objects before entering the visa application center.

All visa application centers are under 24/7 video surveillance. The footage is constantly recorded for the purposes of preventing and detecting criminal activities and ensuring public safety.

For safety and security reasons, we reserve the right to randomly search the bags of applicants and visitors.

Our team is empowered to work without fear of abuse or intimidation. Threatening or abusive remarks or behaviors towards our staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

How much does a service at the external service provider cost?

This Visa Application Centre has an additional fee requirement

Service Fee

280 BRL

Mode of Payment


🏢 Accessibility

All visa application centers have wheelchair ramps. Customers with disabilities or accessibility requirements are encouraged to bring someone to assist them. Elevators are also available if needed. Please note that our staff will be available to assist all clients with special needs.

The nearest external service providers

As Embassy of Portugal's Consular Section in Brasília works with VFS for the Brazil Visa Applications, here are all the relevant information

📍 Address : Portugal Visa Application centreSIG Quadra 04, 1st floor, Room 116, Block A

What are the opening hours of the external service provider?







Submission Time

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

Submission Time


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00

Safety Regulation

Please note that access to the Visa Application Centre is exclusively reserved for individuals who have applied for a visa. The only exceptions to this policy are as follows:

Minors (under 18 years old) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. It cannot be a staff member of the visa application center.

Older, disabled, or mobility-impaired applicants requiring assistance to submit their application. Applicants falling under the aforementioned categories should inform the security personnel upon arrival at the Visa Application Center.

Mobile phones are allowed in the visa application center. However, they must be placed in silent or vibrate mode. Silent or vibrate mode must be activated before entering the visa application center. Devices that do not have a silent or vibrate mode are not tolerated in the visa application center.

Taking photos, videos, or audio recordings is prohibited in all circumstances. Mobile phones must be put away when speaking with our staff.

Only one cabin suitcase (45 cm x 30 cm x 20 cm) per applicant will be allowed to be brought to the Visa Application Centre. Larger luggage will not be accepted at the visa application centre and must be stored elsewhere.

For security reasons, the following items are not allowed inside the visa application center.

All electronic devices or those operating with a battery, such as cameras, tablets, audio/video cassettes, CDs, MP3 players, floppy disks, laptops, hard disk drives, USB drives, spy devices, audio recorders, or any other device that may disrupt the proper functioning of the center.

Sealed envelopes or packages.

Any flammable item, such as matchboxes/lighters/e-cigarettes/fuels.

Any sharp object, such as scissors, pocket knives or nail files.

Weapons and any explosive device or material of any kind.

Other items may be prohibited, at the sole discretion of security personnel.

Note: The visa application center is not able to store prohibited items. Applicants will need to make arrangements to store such objects before entering the visa application center.

All visa application centers are under 24/7 video surveillance. The footage is constantly recorded for the purposes of preventing and detecting criminal activities and ensuring public safety.

For safety and security reasons, we reserve the right to randomly search the bags of applicants and visitors.

Our team is empowered to work without fear of abuse or intimidation. Threatening or abusive remarks or behaviors towards our staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

How much does a service at the external service provider cost?

This Visa Application Centre has an additional fee requirement

Service Fee

280 BRL

Mode of Payment


🏢 Accessibility

All visa application centers have wheelchair ramps. Customers with disabilities or accessibility requirements are encouraged to bring someone to assist them. Elevators are also available if needed. Please note that our staff will be available to assist all clients with special needs.

The nearest external service providers

As Embassy of Portugal's Consular Section in Brasília works with VFS for the Brazil Visa Applications, here are all the relevant information

📍 Address : Portugal Visa Application centreAlameda Oscar Niemeyer – number 1033 – room 627 – Vila da Serra

What are the opening hours of the external service provider?







Submission Time

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

Submission Time


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00

Safety Regulation

Please note that access to the Visa Application Centre is exclusively reserved for individuals who have applied for a visa. The only exceptions to this policy are as follows:

Minors (under 18 years old) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. It cannot be a staff member of the visa application center.

Older, disabled, or mobility-impaired applicants requiring assistance to submit their application. Applicants falling under the aforementioned categories should inform the security personnel upon arrival at the Visa Application Center.

Mobile phones are allowed in the visa application center. However, they must be placed in silent or vibrate mode. Silent or vibrate mode must be activated before entering the visa application center. Devices that do not have a silent or vibrate mode are not tolerated in the visa application center.

Taking photos, videos, or audio recordings is prohibited in all circumstances. Mobile phones must be put away when speaking with our staff.

Only one cabin suitcase (45 cm x 30 cm x 20 cm) per applicant will be allowed to be brought to the Visa Application Centre. Larger luggage will not be accepted at the visa application centre and must be stored elsewhere.

For security reasons, the following items are not allowed inside the visa application center.

All electronic devices or those operating with a battery, such as cameras, tablets, audio/video cassettes, CDs, MP3 players, floppy disks, laptops, hard disk drives, USB drives, spy devices, audio recorders, or any other device that may disrupt the proper functioning of the center.

Sealed envelopes or packages.

Any flammable item, such as matchboxes/lighters/e-cigarettes/fuels.

Any sharp object, such as scissors, pocket knives or nail files.

Weapons and any explosive device or material of any kind.

Other items may be prohibited, at the sole discretion of security personnel.

Note: The visa application center is not able to store prohibited items. Applicants will need to make arrangements to store such objects before entering the visa application center.

All visa application centers are under 24/7 video surveillance. The footage is constantly recorded for the purposes of preventing and detecting criminal activities and ensuring public safety.

For safety and security reasons, we reserve the right to randomly search the bags of applicants and visitors.

Our team is empowered to work without fear of abuse or intimidation. Threatening or abusive remarks or behaviors towards our staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

How much does a service at the external service provider cost?

This Visa Application Centre has an additional fee requirement

Service Fee

280 BRL

Mode of Payment


🏢 Accessibility

All visa application centers have wheelchair ramps. Customers with disabilities or accessibility requirements are encouraged to bring someone to assist them. Elevators are also available if needed. Please note that our staff will be available to assist all clients with special needs.

The nearest external service providers

As Embassy of Portugal's Consular Section in Brasília works with VFS for the Brazil Visa Applications, here are all the relevant information

📍 Address : Portugal Visa Application centreAv. Tancredo Neves – number 2227, room 1007 – 10th floor

What are the opening hours of the external service provider?







Submission Time

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

09:00 - 16:00

Submission Time


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00


09:00 - 16:00

Safety Regulation

Please note that access to the Visa Application Centre is exclusively reserved for individuals who have applied for a visa. The only exceptions to this policy are as follows:

Minors (under 18 years old) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. It cannot be a staff member of the visa application center.

Older, disabled, or mobility-impaired applicants requiring assistance to submit their application. Applicants falling under the aforementioned categories should inform the security personnel upon arrival at the Visa Application Center.

Mobile phones are allowed in the visa application center. However, they must be placed in silent or vibrate mode. Silent or vibrate mode must be activated before entering the visa application center. Devices that do not have a silent or vibrate mode are not tolerated in the visa application center.

Taking photos, videos, or audio recordings is prohibited in all circumstances. Mobile phones must be put away when speaking with our staff.

Only one cabin suitcase (45 cm x 30 cm x 20 cm) per applicant will be allowed to be brought to the Visa Application Centre. Larger luggage will not be accepted at the visa application centre and must be stored elsewhere.

For security reasons, the following items are not allowed inside the visa application center.

All electronic devices or those operating with a battery, such as cameras, tablets, audio/video cassettes, CDs, MP3 players, floppy disks, laptops, hard disk drives, USB drives, spy devices, audio recorders, or any other device that may disrupt the proper functioning of the center.

Sealed envelopes or packages.

Any flammable item, such as matchboxes/lighters/e-cigarettes/fuels.

Any sharp object, such as scissors, pocket knives or nail files.

Weapons and any explosive device or material of any kind.

Other items may be prohibited, at the sole discretion of security personnel.

Note: The visa application center is not able to store prohibited items. Applicants will need to make arrangements to store such objects before entering the visa application center.

All visa application centers are under 24/7 video surveillance. The footage is constantly recorded for the purposes of preventing and detecting criminal activities and ensuring public safety.

For safety and security reasons, we reserve the right to randomly search the bags of applicants and visitors.

Our team is empowered to work without fear of abuse or intimidation. Threatening or abusive remarks or behaviors towards our staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

How much does a service at the external service provider cost?

This Visa Application Centre has an additional fee requirement

Service Fee

280 BRL

Mode of Payment


🏢 Accessibility

All visa application centers have wheelchair ramps. Customers with disabilities or accessibility requirements are encouraged to bring someone to assist them. Elevators are also available if needed. Please note that our staff will be available to assist all clients with special needs.

What documents car I request directly from the Embassy of Portugal's Consular Section in Brasília

Here are the most common services provided by your embassy in Brazil:

  • Passport Services: Application for a new passport, renewal of an existing passport, and sometimes emergency travel documents.
  • Visas: Application for various types of visas to enter Portugal, including tourist, short stay and long stay Visas.
  • Consular Registration: Registration of Portuguese citizens residing abroad.
  • Citizen Cards: Application or renewal of the Portuguese Citizen Card, which serves as an identification document in Portugal.
  • Civil Registry Services: This includes services like marriage registration, birth registration, death registration, and acquiring corresponding certificates.
  • Notary Services: Notarization of documents, certification of photocopies, authentification of signatures, and issuing of power of attorney.
  • Voter Registration: Registration and information on voting while abroad for Portuguese elections.
  • Consular Assistance: Assistance in cases of emergency, such as accidents, illnesses, or arrests of Portuguese nationals abroad.
  • Tax Identification Number (NIF): Application for a Portuguese tax identification number, which is necessary for various economic and legal activities in Portugal. We can help you get your portuguese NIF online.

Others Portuguese Consular Network in Brazil

Find below all the different consular representation through Brazil.

Consulate General of Portugal in Rio de Janeiro

🏫 Type of embassy : General Consulate

📍 Address : Rua São Clemente, N.º 424 - Botafogo, CEP 22260-006, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil

☎️ Phone :
  • +(55 21) 3861 6450
  • + (55 21) 3509 1850
✉️ Mail :
More information about the Consulate General of Portugal in Rio de Janeiro

Portugal's General Consulate in Salvador da Bahia

🏫 Type of embassy : General Consulate

📍 Address : Rua Sol Nascente 43, Condomínio Vitraux Sala 904, Federação, CEP: 40210-760, Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

☎️ Phone :
  • +(55 71) 986 437 128
  • +351 21 792 97 14
  • +351 961 706 472
  • +(55 71) 33 41 06 36
More information about the Portugal's General Consulate in Salvador da Bahia

Consulate General of Portugal in São Paulo

🏫 Type of embassy : General Consulate

📍 Address : Rua Canadá, 324, Jardim América, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

☎️ Phone :
  • +(55 11) 308 41 800
  • +(55 11) 952 625 082
More information about the Consulate General of Portugal in São Paulo

Portugal's Consulate in Belo Horizonte

🏫 Type of embassy : Consulate

📍 Address : Rua António Albuquerque, 271 – 14º andar, Savassi, 30112-010 Belo Horizonte, MG, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil

☎️ Phone :
  • +(55 31) 3348 5790
✉️ Mail :
More information about the Portugal's Consulate in Belo Horizonte

Portugal's Vice-Consulate in Belém do Pará

🏫 Type of embassy : Vice-Consulate

📍 Address : Rua dos Mundurucus, 3100 - Salas 1202/1203, Edifício Metropolitan Tower, CEP: 66040-033 - Belém - Pará, Brasil

☎️ Phone :
  • +(55 91) 988991706
✉️ Mail :
More information about the Portugal's Vice-Consulate in Belém do Pará

The Vice-Consulate of Portugal in Curitiba

🏫 Type of embassy : Vice-Consulate

📍 Address : Rua Visconde do Rio Branco, nº 1358, 20º andar, Centro, Curitiba, Estado do Paraná, Brasil

☎️ Phone :
  • +(55 41) 32 33 42 11
  • +(55 41) 92 61 00 61
✉️ Mail :
More information about the The Vice-Consulate of Portugal in Curitiba

The Vice-Consulate of Portugal in Fortaleza

🏫 Type of embassy : Vice-Consulate

📍 Address : Rua Vicente Linhares, n.º 521, salas 1601, 1602 e 1603, Aldeota, CEP 60135-270, Fortaleza CE, Ceará, Brasil

☎️ Phone :
  • +(55 85) 32 61 74 20
  • +(55 85) 981264186
✉️ Mail :
More information about the The Vice-Consulate of Portugal in Fortaleza

Vice-Consulate of Portugal in Porto Alegre

🏫 Type of embassy : Vice-Consulate

📍 Address : Rua Professor Annes Dias,112 - 10º Piso, CEP 90.020.090 - Porto Alegre (RS), Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

☎️ Phone :
  • +55 (51) 3061 5767
  • +55 (51) 991 828 474
  • +55 (51) 991 811 745
✉️ Mail :
More information about the Vice-Consulate of Portugal in Porto Alegre

Portugal's Vice-Consulate in Recife

🏫 Type of embassy : Vice-Consulate

📍 Address : Av. Engº. Domingos Ferreira, 4060, 6.º Andar, Edifício Blue -Tower Boa Viagem, CEP 51.021-040 Recife - PE, Brasil

☎️ Phone :
  • +(55 81) 33 27 20 73
  • +(55 81) 9997 46894
✉️ Mail :
More information about the Portugal's Vice-Consulate in Recife

Portugal's Consular Office in Santos

🏫 Type of embassy : Consular Office

📍 Address : Avenida Ana Costa, 25 - 5.º Andar, Vila Matias, CEP 11060-001, Santos-SP, Brasil

☎️ Phone :
  • +(55 13) 32 23 66 74
  • +(55 13) 32 23 10 68
✉️ Mail :
More information about the Portugal's Consular Office in Santos

Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Campinas

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Campinas

Portugal's Honorary Consulate in Campo Grande

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Portugal's Honorary Consulate in Campo Grande

Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Corumbá

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Corumbá

Portugal's Honorary Consulate in Cuiaba

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Portugal's Honorary Consulate in Cuiaba

Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Florianópolis

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Florianópolis

Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Goiânia

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Goiânia

Portugal's Honorary Consulate in João Pessoa

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Portugal's Honorary Consulate in João Pessoa

Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Juiz de Fora

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Juiz de Fora

The Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Londrina

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the The Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Londrina

Portugal's Honorary Consulate in Maceió

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Portugal's Honorary Consulate in Maceió

Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Manaus

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Manaus

Portugal's Honorary Consulate in Montes Claros

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Portugal's Honorary Consulate in Montes Claros

Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Natal

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Natal

The Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Niterói

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the The Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Niterói

Portugal's Honorary Consulate in Pelotas

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Portugal's Honorary Consulate in Pelotas

Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Porto Seguro

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Porto Seguro

Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Presidente Prudente

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Presidente Prudente

Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Ribeirão Preto

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Ribeirão Preto

Honorary Consulate of Portugal in São Luís, Maranhão

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Honorary Consulate of Portugal in São Luís, Maranhão

Portugal's Honorary Consulate in São José do Rio Preto

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Portugal's Honorary Consulate in São José do Rio Preto

Portugal's Honorary Consulate in Vitória

🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate

More information about the Portugal's Honorary Consulate in Vitória

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