Portuguese Consular Representation in Mozambique
Effortlessly locate the Portuguese Consular Representation in your country or a nearby country for your Visa application.
List of Portuguese Consular Network in Mozambique
Find below all the different consular representation through Mozambique.
Portugal's General Consulate in Beira
🏫 Type of embassy : General Consulate
📍 Address : Rua António Enes, 148/149 - 2º andar, Caixa Postal n.º 1996, Beira, Moçambique
☎️ Phone :
- +(258) 233 260 66/76
- +(258) 84 594 4833
- + (221) 77 765 91 14
✉️ Mail :
Consulate General of Portugal in Maputo
🏫 Type of embassy : General Consulate
📍 Address : Av. Mao Tsé Tung, nº 519, Maputo
☎️ Phone :
- +(258) 21 490 150/51/55/57
- +(258) 823 166 540
- +(258) 843 987 647
✉️ Mail :
Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Nampula
🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate
The Honorary Consulate of Portugal in Quelimane.
🏫 Type of embassy : Honorary Consulate