Brenda L.
05 jan 2024 • 10 min read
Update your address now
Don't wait any longer, and update your NIF address quickly and easily!
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As you move to Portugal, and get your NIF, securing a place to live, updating your NIF address becomes a top priority. 🚀
If you haven't acquired your NIF Portugal yet and don't have a password, make sure you visit our NIF Portugal guide to check your options for obtaining one.
We understand how challenging it can be to find out how to do it, so that's why we created this guide for you! Keep reading to find all the options to help you kickstart your new life in Portugal! 😊
You must maintain your contact information up-to-date for the tax office and the Portuguese government, but you can also add more reasons:
Besides all this, if you have a legal representative, changing your address is the main step to cancelling your representation. 👀
Identify your Fiscal Representative at our guide: how to obtain a NIF in Portugal!
It depends on your nationality and legal status in Portugal. 😬
For EU/EEA/Swiss nationals, you can change your address even if you are not residing in Portugal yet, switching to your home country address.
Your nationality ensures your legal status.
If you live in Portugal, CRUE will serve as proof of legal status.
For non-EU/EEA/Swiss nationals, you'll need to have proof of legal status in Portugal and proof of accommodation in Portugal. You can use this as proof of legal status:
You can't use your home country address for your NIF, only a local one.
'Manifestação de Interesse' has been scrapped since mid-2024. This only applies if you enrolled in it prior to its finalization and have not yet scheduled your AIMA appointment.
Don't waste time and money for your relocation to Portugal 🇵🇹
To formally change your NIF address, you must have the following ✅:
For proof of accommodation, you can use any of the following ✅:
It's actually "Atestado de Residência pela Junta da Freguesia." Your local parish grants this certificate letter to confirm your address. 😊
-> We wrote an article for more details here.
Not at all! 😊
Your NIF number will never change. Only your contact information.
Don't waste time and money for your relocation to Portugal 🇵🇹
Just follow the following steps 😊, and you'll be able to submit your request for a NIF address change:
1- At 'Finanças' portal, login into your personal area
2- At your personal area homepage, head to the search bar and look for 'e-balcao'
3 - Find 'Atendimento E-Balcão' and click on 'Aceder'
4- At the bottom right corner, you'll click at 'Registar Nova Questão'
5 - A drop-down menu must show, where you must select accordingly:
As the drop down menu is fully selected you must click on 'Não' at the bottom left.
6 - Fill the form with the text provided below:
- In 'Assunto', insert:
- In 'Mensagem', insert:
Exmos. Senhores,
Venho por meio deste solicitar a alteração da minha morada. A minha morada atual é: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS IN PORTUGAL].
Agradeço a vossa ajuda!
- In 'Assunto', insert:
- In 'Mensagem', insert:
Exmos. Senhores,
Venho por este meio solicitar a alteração da minha morada para a seguinte: [YOUR COMPLETE ADDRESS IN PORTUGAL].
Solicito também o cancelamento da representação fiscal de [YOUR FISCAL REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME] - NIF [YOUR FISCAL'S REPRESENTATIVE NIF] tendo em conta a minha morada em Portugal.
Agradeço a vossa ajuda!
Identify your Fiscal Representative at our guide: how to obtain a NIF in Portugal!
7 - After completing the message area, you'll need to attach the documents requested (ID, proof of accommodation and legal status) and click on 'Registar Questão' at the bottom right
A message must show informing:
A Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (AT) agradece o seu contacto. O pedido
fica registado para análise e tratamento.
Com os melhores cumprimentos"
AT- Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira
This means you are all set!
You must redo steps 1-3 or access this link 😬. Keep in mind that this process may take up to a couple of weeks to complete. But you can check after one business day.
After redoing step 3, when the 'Pedidos de Informações/Esclarecimentos' area appears, below the 'Interações Registadas' area, you'll take a look at the options available on a blue and white table. Find the option with 'Morada' or 'Alteração. Click on 'Ver Pedido'.
There you may find two situations:
'Finanças' may randomly request your signature to finalise your change. You'll see a notification like the one below, in which you'll click 'Alteração para assinar', and you'll download this document to sign it.
Verify the accuracy of your information, sign the document on the highlighted area at the bottom of the second page, and enter the date in the format DD/MM/YY.
After that, scan the document and upload it with the message 'Veja documento anexado' in the same location where you downloaded it.
After that, you'll wait another 1-2 business days, and you'll proceed to the next step.
Then comes the second situation: if your signature wasn't requested, or if it was, and you submitted the document, you will follow the previous steps to check the status of your request, and your new NIF document will be ready for use and download.
A few users report that sometimes you may need to request the updated NIF document clicking in 'Ver Pedido' area. If, after a couple of weeks, your new NIF document hasn't arrived yet, you may head there and, in the message ('Mensagem') area, insert and submit the following: "Exmos. Senhores, venho solicitar a disponibilização do documento do NIF com a morada atualizada. Cumprimentos." Check back after 1-2 business days if the updated document is available.
You just need to download your new document and check if the 'Representante' area at the bottom of the first page is empty, as shown in the image below.
All correct? You successfully changed your NIF address 🎉
Don't waste time and money for your relocation to Portugal 🇵🇹
You can do it 😊!
But remember! 'Finanças' offices are typically packed, and they might ask you to make an appointment.
Take all documents with you (ID, proof of accommodation, and legal status) and request them at your local 'Finanças' office. We will make the changes immediately and update your contact information before you leave the office.
Final words
We hope this guide will be a good friend as you request a change to your NIF address. And always remember, AnchorLess is here 👋 to make sure your move to Portugal will be as smooth as your new life!
Start your new life in Portugal
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Relocating to Portugal made simple.
AnchorLess is not a bank, accounting, tax, investment, or legal advisor. We serve as an intermediary, streamlining your access to accredited financial and legal professionals for your relocation in Europe.
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